When planning your move to Spain on the Digital Nomad Visa (DNV), understanding the timeline for visa processing, extensions, renewals, and approvals is essential. While the process can vary depending on where you’re applying and your specific circumstances, here’s an overview to help you manage your expectations.
Typical Timeline for Application and Document Preparation
- Fastest Case Scenario: In the best-case scenario, from the moment a client hires us to the time the application is submitted, it can be as fast as one (1) week. However, this speed is rare and depends on many factors, including document readiness and urgency.
- Average Timeline: For most applicants, it takes around one to two months to collect all necessary documents before the visa application is submitted. This timeline can vary based on whether you need to apply for a Schengen visa, gather specific documents from different countries, or handle other logistical matters.
- Philippines Applicants: If you are applying from the Philippines and need to obtain an NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero), expect the process to take at least two (2) months. The consulate turnaround time for issuing NIEs has recently been around this timeframe.
- Spain Applicants: If you plan to apply from Spain and do not need a Schengen visa, you can fly to Spain as soon as your documents are ready and submit your application. If you do require a Schengen visa, factor in the time needed to apply for that visa in addition to collecting your documents.
Approval Timelines: Consulate vs. Spain
- Consulate Applications: Ideally, consulates are required to process applications within 10 working days. However, in reality, this often takes longer. For example, recent experiences in the Philippines, Thailand, Abu Dhabi, and Turkey have shown that the process can extend well beyond the 10-day mark. In one case, an application submitted in July didn’t receive a status update until mid-August, taking nearly 30 working days.
- Spain Applications: When applying directly in Spain through the UGE (Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos), the approval process is generally more reliable. They are expected to process applications within 20 working days, and they typically adhere to this deadline. However, during busier periods, such as after holidays or peak application seasons, the full 20 working days may be needed.
- Approval by Administrative Silence: One of the advantages of applying in Spain is the option for approval by administrative silence. If the UGE does not respond to your application within 20 working days, your application is automatically approved by administrative silence. You would then need to request an official approval letter, which can take an additional 15 to 20 working days.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Timeline
- How far in advance can I apply for the visa from my country?
- You can apply six months before your planned departure.
- What if my Schengen tourist visa is valid for only 15 days, but the decision will take longer?
- If you’ve already submitted your application to the UGE, you can legally stay in Spain beyond the expiration of your Schengen tourist visa while awaiting the decision. This means your presence in Spain remains legal during the processing period, even if your initial visa expires.
- What should I do if I haven’t heard back from the UGE after 20 working days?
- If you haven’t received a response from the UGE within the 20 working days, you can request approval based on administrative silence. This is a key benefit of applying in Spain. Your application is considered approved automatically due to the lack of response, and you can then request your official approval letter.
- Does the consulate process also have an administrative silence policy?
- Unfortunately, no. The administrative silence policy only applies to applications submitted in Spain through the UGE. If you’re applying through a consulate, there is no equivalent policy, meaning you must wait for an official response, regardless of how long it takes.
Final Thoughts
Navigating the timeline for visa processing can be complex, with significant differences between applying through a consulate and applying directly in Spain. While the ideal processing times are set at 10 working days for consulates and 20 working days for UGE in Spain, the actual timeline can be longer, especially during peak periods.
If you’re unsure about the best route for your situation or need help with the application process, we’re here to assist you. Reach out to us for expert guidance and support throughout your visa journey, ensuring a smooth transition to your new life in Spain.
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